So, I made it home -- and in one piece! The fates tried to stop me, but they could not. Are there even fates? Am I being non-Catholic in saying that? Ooops.
See the girls? Aren't they the cutest? Those are my two little sisters, Laura and Kathleen respectively. They are also the only two children left at home. As sad as it is, home is getting smaller and smaller and I feel more and more like visitor everytime I do come home. I hate that.
Justin and Molly were here for the first 24 hours that I was home. It was so wonderful to see them again. Molly is getting huge! It's all so very exciting and I can't wait until the baby is born! It is going to be adorable!
Texas, by the way, is beautiful. It's been "cold" according to my parents, topping out in the 60s and 70s everyday. The sun was finally out today. The last few days had seen terrible storms. They were actually a God-send, though, because of the awful wild fires that had been tearing across the Lone Star State.
And apparently, my room has been pranked. I don't know why I was made the victim, since Ted was the one making various types of kissing the conversation of the morning breakfast table last Friday. However, it has happened...and will not go unretaliated. But, I forgive them. The boys just couldn't resist me. And, after all, Ted was only discussing a subject about which she is very passionate.
I look foward to seeing everyone back at school on Saturday. I have missed everyone and all have been in my prayers, especially the mission trip people!
One would wonder, Adrienne. It almost sounds as if you weren't completely happy at home. Is school really that appealing to you. Oh dear... one would wonder!
It was great for both of us to see you and spend some time with ya. We love and miss the whole family, and I can't wait to see you all at graduation! Huzzah!
Oh, pul-ease. You have no room to talk. If you really enjoyed being at home, you would have stayed longer this last weekend. And you didn't...hmm. One would wonder!
Eh. I can relate to the 'going home to be a vistor' feeling. I've never spent more than a month at home with my folks since college started (what with walking across America and all). Being the youngest doesn't really help any either.
I'm glad to hear that you survived that horribly early wake-up and flight of yours..
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