Sunday, January 01, 2017

I used to blog all the time. Two to three times per week.  This place was hopping.  And it fulfilled me.  Then, life happened.  (And those numbers have changed, on both sides.) And my blog went silent.  For a long time.  I couldn't write.  I was sad and I was broken.  And I was healing. 

I think a lot.  I'm really good at brooding.  So, as the New Year approached, I thought a lot the last week.  I'm not really one for resolutions.  I end up forgetting about them and then brooding about how I failed again.  But, this year, I want some change.  I need some change.  Spring is full of new life, fresh air.  I need some fresh air in my little corner. We are facing many changes this year.  A move (not sure where yet), along with many other changes--some welcome and some potentially not so welcome ones. So, I've been pondering what sort of changes I'd like to make.

I want to write more.  I love writing.  Conveying emotions and thoughts--it fulfills me.  I used to keep a journal; I'd write several times a week.  I need to start doing that again.  For me.  I want to start blogging again.  Writing and conveying thoughts.  Posting here.  It's time to get things going again. 

I need to start working out again.  My babies are easy on the eyes but not so easy on the waist line.  Time to get active again.  I need to keep up with my girls...and my son who's going to start moving sooner than I'd like to admit. 

I love creating things.  Making things.  Tonight, I went into the kitchen and made pumpkin pie completely from scratch.  Even the pie crust.  For some inexplicable reason, creating things from raw materials is so amazing.  I love to sew and crochet, to bake and cook.  It's an amazing feeling to take rudimentary materials and create something complex from it that can soothe the soul.  A blanket, baby gifts, edible goods.  I need to do that more.  For me. 

I need to spice up my spiritual life.  A prayer journal, reading.  I don't know how to do a prayer journal, so talk me through it if you've done one.  It's intriguing to me. 

I feel like my life, my heart maybe, has been a little house shut up for a long winter.  And spring is coming. Finally.  I feel spring dawning.  And I want to pull out the soft sheets and light blankets and fluff them in the air. Open the windows, prop open the doors.  Let that sweet, life-giving breeze flutter through the house again.  It's time. 

Want to join me?

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